MUMBAI: A strike at car maker Maruti Suzuki's Manesar plant entered its fifth day on Thursday, causing a production loss of 4,200 vehicles, a company spokesman said. He said Maruti, which sells every second new car in India, was continuing talks with the workers at the Manesar plant that makes about 1,200 vehicles a day, including the hatchbacks Swift and A-Star models and the DZiRE and SX4 sedans. Around 800 workers began the strike on Saturday demanding the recognition of a new union, Maruti Suzuki Employees Union . At present, Maruti has one workers' union that is recognized by the management. The production loss was estimated at 1.6 billion rupees ($35.79 million) as of Wednesday, with loss of 600 to 650 units each shift affected, the spokesman said. Maruti, 54.2 percent-owned by Japan's Suzuki Motor Corp , operates two manufacturing facilities in India, housing several plants, both in the northern part of the country. It has been looking to advance its capacity expansi...